Featured GirlTalk News

Introducing GirlTalk:: A New Feature from Lucy Out Loud

Image by Sara Marshall.

In addition to running Lucy Out Loud, I have spent the last four years working as a beauty consultant at Ulta Beauty. During those years, the idea and meaning behind beauty and makeup has evolved into something more than just ‘dolling’ yourself up; it gives women the ability to be whoever they want to be: confident, powerful, comfortable, beautiful. But, most importantly, themselves. The topic of beauty is one that people typically tiptoe around because they are afraid of what people will say.

We want to change that.

In a music scene that is often dominated by men, women don’t have many places they can go to discuss beauty habits. This idea was the driving force behind our newest feature, GirlTalk.

This feature will act as a series for women in the music industry (musicians, publicists, photographers, etc.) to discuss important issues like feminism and beauty standards, while also being a fun corner where they can discuss what items they enjoy using when they’re on tour, how they manage to style themselves to feel confident on stage, etc. GirlTalk will consist of a variety of things: interviews, guest blogs, lists (top beauty items, beauty/fashion tips, etc.) and playlist submissions.

Ideally, this will be a feature that covers a little bit of everything, and we are so excited to finally bring it to life! Keep your eyes peeled for our first GirlTalk interview, coming soon!

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